Episode 25 - Crystal Healing Journeys with Damla Aktekin

Ever wondered if your healing journey follows a unique map?

Explore the cycles, challenges, and crystals in this interview with Damla Aktekin.

Here's what we're talking about:

🕯Spiraling Healing Journey: The cyclical nature of spiritual healing, and how it's similar to a birthing process with distinct phases, challenges, and growth.

🕯Crystal Integration: A paradigm shift in working with crystals, emphasizing a relationship-based approach rather than merely using them for specific purposes.

🕯Self-Healing Map: A self-healing journey map, guiding individuals through various stages, emphasizing self-awareness, commitment, and the evolving relationship with healing tools and cycles.

Discover the magic of crystal healing in the latest episode of the Rooted Feminine podcast!

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Show Notes:

Hey sisters, welcome to another episode of Rooted Feminine. I am really excited about today's interview with Damia, Damla Aktekin. She blew me wide open. There were so many things on your rewilding journey. You think you've got it all figured out, quote-unquote, which is never true, right?

We never have it all figured out, but your conditioning just pops up out of nowhere. Your colonization, the way you've been patriarchy-ized—made that word up, but whatever—it just comes out in the clear as day in the weirdest places. And that's absolutely what happened to me in my conversation with Damla.

You'll hear me say, "There's that, right? There's that idea." I guess I need to question everything I ever thought about that part of things. And that is what happened here with Domilus. I really hope that you enjoy this episode talking all about crystal work, crystal healing, and even deeper than that, the self-healing piece, the self-healing journey, and what role we play and what role others play in our healing journey.

And then, of course, how to weave crystals into that. So I really hope that you enjoy this chat with Damla.

Marissa: Hey sisters, welcome back to the Rooted Feminine Podcast. I'm really excited to be here with a new friend who I've recently connected with and was so excited to learn from her wisdom. And I, as soon as I met her, I was like, I've got to have her on the show. I've got to have her tell her story and talk to you guys about the work that she does.

And I am really happy to be here talking with Damla Aktekin. Damla, if you would like to just introduce yourself a little bit, tell us about the work you do in the world, a little bit about your journey, and then we'll dive in.

Damla: Yeah, absolutely. What I do is in the realm of energy, but it goes deeper than that and touches on the body. And I call it these days inner child healing. So crystal healing plays into that. All the vibrational tools that I have gathered over the years play into that. So basically I didn't start out as a healer. I actually, yes, I studied engineering. I then went into business school, did my MBA, and started the corporate life.

About mid-smack in the middle of it, I lost a family member, my grandmother, and that sort of went on top of my work stress. And I found myself with some health issues, which then led me to my first stop on this healing journey was yoga, where I discovered that I had a body.

Surprise, surprise that I didn't exist just in my mind. And then I realized later on I became a full-time yoga teacher and yoga studio manager, all of those things. And then in the middle of that, when I thought I was going to be a yoga teacher and a studio owner at some point in all my life, I became a mom in 2012.

And nothing I knew worked.

Marissa: I just, yes, amen to that.

Damla: Yeah, and it's interesting and funny because I've been reading a little bit about the heroine's story as opposed to the hero's story. And there they talk about first you renounce what society tells you to do. And then you boldly declare and say, "I'm going to do this now."

And then that fails. And then you need to find another thing. I feel like I've been on that journey.

Marissa: I feel like I've been on that journey multiple times.

Damla: Yes. Yeah. So anyways, as a new mom, I was like, I need to heal myself. I had an emergency c-section and found myself in this deep, dark well that was getting deeper and deeper each day.

And I decided to pull myself out of it. And I said, just, whoever I was talking to, I said, just send me anything and everything. And I came in touch with crystals and at the time as a new mom, I just saw a YouTube video, I think, about crystals and I said, okay, this looks interesting.

I'll take a look at this. But I didn't have time to consult sources, read books.

But what I did have was this immense curiosity and this sort of knowing that there was something there for me. And as I approached this, I realized I just want to experience it. I don't want to take anything for granted. And when I did consult, when I looked. things up online. It just didn't feel to capture what I was feeling, which was I was finding out each crystal to be unique.

I was finding out that they were deepening my love connection to my body, to myself. I was finding out that it wasn't like this whole, Oh, you're healed from one day to the other. But slowly they were helping me deepen my intuition. So I started my own crystal exploration journey and that continues to this day.

Marissa: And I remember we met just a few days ago, honestly, and I was like, I got to get you on my show. But so much of your journey resonates with me. I also went to business school. I also was in that corporate rat race chasing the kind of patriarchal masculine definition of success. It was when I became a mom that things really shifted for me.

I had to go through fertility treatment to get pregnant for the first time because I had been so in my masculine. I've lost my cycle. I've lost any connection with my body. And while it was yoga that brought you to your body, it was me shooting myself up with artificial hormones and being like, "Oh, there's gotta be a real connection here that I am missing." And then trying to parent, as a modern mystic, as somebody who wants to shepherd and guide and be the steward for our children in a new paradigm, in a different world, helping them step out of the boxes that we broke out of, it's not an easy road necessarily, but I think it's a necessary one.

And when I heard your story and saw so much of myself in it, I was like, these are the conversations that I want to have. And I love your take on crystals, right? You didn't have excess time, excess ability to just go buy all the crystal courses or go buy all the crystal books. It was really intuitive learning, right? You sat with them and you said, "What is the message that this stone has for me?" And that began your journey. And it's a very intuitive, feminine approach, which I think is really beautiful.

Damla: Yeah. I did go by the biggest crystals I could, but then, I now have a free course that talks about crystal healing myths. One of them is that uni, like the bigger is better is not and it's interesting you mentioned the parenting journey because I find it's so much about parenting ourselves along the way. And that's what crystals were for me. They were my way of saying, okay, I have five minutes here. Let me just lie down with my crystals and see what happens. And I would always just get out of it a little bit more resourced. Yeah. Resourced. And that meant I had more resources for myself and my daughter and everyone around me.

Marissa: Yeah. That's amazing. What were your go-to crystals then and what are your go-to crystals now? Have they changed?

Damla: This is a question that I think has a bigger question in it, which is something I hear a lot especially at the beginning when I started to I first experimented on family members and then I started to Oh, for group healings and then private healings people would come to me and ask I have this and this, which crystal should I use? I will come to the use part, but the rich crystal part is. Interesting because they hold a vibrational essence. Actually, I'm going to come to both of them together. So the reason I don't have the or go to the word used for crystals is as I go deeper into this, as I was crafting my way of teaching about this, I realized I needed to understand who and what crystals are and what are they? They're the building blocks of the universe. They are these geometric, sacred geometry holding things that hold the essence of nature, the essence of the universe, and we are made up of crystals. So what that means is there are ancestors. They have a much longer life than us. So when you hold a stone, a crystal, what I call the moon crystal, you can debate that, but it's still crystals. When you hold one in your hand, it's a different energy to say, okay, what can I use you for? What are you good for? You're going to go here and you're going to do this versus. I'm holding a sacred wisdom keeper in my hand that can connect me to sacred wisdom recordings in the universe. Our DNA is crystalline and the sacred wisdom recordings in me all my lifetime, lifetimes. Along timelines. So that is a whole other energy.

Marissa: 100%. It's like we're still coming at it from a colonial view of Oh, here's my citrine. I want to manifest some more abundance in my business. I'm going to put this citrine next to my computer, which is really funny, you guys, because if you were watching me, that's exactly what I'm like, we're still coming at it from this colonized patriarchal. If I do this will be the result. But what I'm hearing from you, it's there's a reverence for this. This crystal grew in Mother Earth, grew in our planet, holds the energy, holds the codes of where it grew, how it grew, in what shape it grew. There's It's a being, it has an energy of its own. And so rather than saying, how are you going to help me, crystal? It's like, how can I relate with this being? How can I form a relationship with this energy? It's similar to when people ask me, oh, can I pray to the sacred feminine archetypes? And I'm like, Sure. You can pray to them, but how are you praying? Are you saying, Oh, dark goddess, please come into my life and get rid of my boyfriend. Are you using them? I love the way that you brought that word. Are you calling on them for what you want or are you actually relating with them? Are you actually forming a relationship with energy? And that's what I'm hearing when you're talking about the crystals as well.

Damla: Yeah, absolutely. And especially because when you look at the actual physical characteristics of them, what crystals do is they take in energy just like us. They can store energy just like us and they can amplify or focus energy. Just like us. So they're going to take in whatever intention, whatever goodness you give to them and amplify that. For me, that was at a time when my body was strange. Like I couldn't, yoga didn't feel good because I couldn't recognize my body. Like I couldn't connect with myself, but I could connect with the beauty of a crystal. I could appreciate the light in it. The shapes, the colors, and that appreciation moved through the crystal directly into my body because there's a nonverbal communication. To come back to your questions, a question of which crystals do I go to first? I go to myself first. Because any healing, just like you mentioned, goddess work, meditation, any contemplative spiritual healing you do is a crystal healing. That's what I understood. And then I understood, okay, what's in the air? There's bacteria, viruses, crystals, crystalline structures, anything with DNA, crystalline. Wood, crystalline, the stone on my countertop, crystalline, drywall has crystals, glass has crystals, metal, everything around me, this computer. So when I'm talking, everything is taking in my energy and there's multidimensionality in it that we don't immediately grasp, but it's there. So you realize it's just so much more than just holding a crystal. That's the practice. That gets you to the other connected multidimensional side of it, which then can transform all of your life.

Marissa: So what I'm hearing from you is it starts with you.

Damla: Yeah.

Marissa: Like the self-healing going in, instead of just grasping for tools. And in this case, we're talking about crystals, but I love how you brought in things like meditation or yoga or any of these other practices. If you're trying to grasp at them because they're going to fix you or solve you, it's the opposite approach, right? That where the healing really comes from is going within first.

Damla: You can start there. Certainly. I'm not going to tell you not to write this book. But then like right now I'm writing a book on crystal healing. I start with falling in love with a crystal. Which then leads to falling in love with you, which then leads you falling in love with all that surrounds you and the crystal, the practice itself and the mystery of it all. It's just, if you're open to it, what I'm saying is that you're opening the door for it. What I'm saying is go through that door and then that can open a whole other universe for you.

Marissa: That's really beautiful. What have you found that other universe to be like?

Damla: Very accepting. Very uniform. I find that's the other main difference between us and crystals. We are liquid crystalline beings, thus we get out of form and out of uniformity very quickly. And the superpower of crystals is they stay solid, they keep their form. So I feel like we must be fascinating to them. And they hold the energy of reorganizing, resourcing for us. So going into that is, oh, I can reorganize myself. That happens. Also going into that energy with physical crystals or with just my body is okay. There are streams of consciousness, streams of energy I can tap into. What wants to be created through me, let me tap into that. What wants to be prayed through me into existence, let's tap into that. What the heck do I need? I want to just nourish myself. Let me just sit in this presence of open multidimensional communication with all elements of nature so that I can be nourished. And I don't even need to name my needs because they know. They understand. And in my healing work, which that, which then leads to is, okay, what are the unrealized potentials in someone's field that we can tap into with crystals' help to see those hidden sparks? I call them the inner children and we can, they might be hiding behind a cloud, hiding behind a pattern that was put there through trauma, but how can we bring them around and out into the world?

Marissa: Are there particular practices that you like to do? Are there placements of the crystals? Are there certain meditations? Or are you really just getting quiet with them and just asking to communicate with them?

Damla: Yes, and yes. So it's very much. I personally love the simpler the to be the better but it's also, that's where it gets fun. You can go in and co-create something together. Like in my Crystal healing membership, I have over 100 crystal healings done for you. Recorded with a specific intention. I have guided crystal meditations like I just recently recorded, like a blissful sleep, falling asleep with your crystals, there is one about ancestral healing with crystals, but it's not so much about what you do. I think it keeps coming back to the beginning of our conversation. It's how you do it. It's how you approach it that makes the difference. Rather than saying Oh, this is the only way I'm going to do. If you're open to exploring a few different ways, it can open up different avenues for you.

Marissa: Mhm. And are you, what do you think about using crystals in our homes, crystal grids? Do you think it's better to have it on you? Do you think it's better to have it placed in your home in a certain place or you're just really whatever you're called to?

Damla: Yeah, and that's the part that touches upon I think what we were talking about again in the beginning of societal, patriarchal, like it needs to be linear, tell me what to do, let me put it there, versus my response to those kinds of questions usually is have you asked the crystal? And the answer may surprise you, and the answer may change because they're unique energetic beings. Yeah.

Marissa: You've got me thinking about this so differently. Like I have, all my towers right here again, you guys listening, can't see but I have all my towers right here. I have a grid here. I have a selenite tower and a selenite wand by my door. I have, I'm like. I never even asked the crystal where it wanted to be. I was just like, I'm gonna put you here. And, I I love the idea of revisiting this as a relationship, revisiting this as something where the energy is not just like a wand for me to like waves at my command. It's really something that's, that is for me to, I keep going back to the word relate, but to relate with, to commune with, to spend time with, to be with.

Damla: Yeah, absolutely. And the relationship, I love your, that you're highlighting that the relationship part is with anyone, anything, including ourselves, that's something you cultivate, just like you say, with the time, with the intention, with the effort. One thing I'm going to say that I find helps with that kind of relationship building, or might add to it, is because crystals are hard, they like soft things.

Marissa: And underliner on it means soft. They're all on shelves and...

Damla: It's fine to put them on a shelf, but I find that I have these soft felt little containers. That they seem to be, just, they feel a little better there. Or, because we're soft, they like to be on us. It's just very simple things and even like picking them up very slowly, placing them on you very slowly. And then when your co-creation, your meditation is done, again, just placing them. You can place them maybe on something soft for a little while before you take them out to be somewhere visible. And some of them don't like to be visible and some of them like to be visible. Yeah. The other aspect of this is just pure pleasure. What do you like to look at? Someone asked me, or maybe this was an online thing, I don't remember. They were asking if they needed to take their crystals out onto the moonlight.

Marissa: And charge them.

Damla: Yeah. And I said, first of all, what do they think? And second of all, do you like to spend time in the middle of the night outside? I can stay for five minutes, but I don't like to stay outdoors for the entire night. It's cold, it's unpleasant for me. So you can, and maybe some crystals like it, maybe you like it, maybe you're like a camping sort of person. I find that we tend to attract crystals that are a little bit more like us. That might be a good clue.

Marissa: I keep asking questions in the same vein, but you're really opening a new paradigm for me, a new thought about this for me. I know I keep circling around the same point and your answer is probably going to be similar, but I just want to hear it. So what are your thoughts on, use smoky. There's that word again. Use smoky quartz for grounding amethyst for intuition. Do different crystals because of their structures. Do they have different properties or do you just really feel like it's more about that relationship that you have with the individual crystal?

Damla: That's an excellent question. I find that if I'm partnering with an amethyst, each single piece has a different quality and a character. I also find that at different stages of my menstrual cycle, my life, I reach out to different crystals. And with the crystals that I choose to spend time with, they do have. I might tend to gravitate towards a certain crystal when I'm feeling anxious, or I might tend to gravitate towards a certain crystal when I just want to calm my nervous system or calm my mind. They do have certain tendencies. That is connected to you specifically. So I wouldn't say amethyst calms down the nervous system every single time, right? That doesn't have to happen. But you might find over time that you might be gravitating towards a certain crystal a little bit more at that period of your life and then maybe another one. And then, but what I don't want to do is to classify that crystal and say, that's the only thing that. She can do it. And then the other piece of this is when you partner with a crystal, what you're tapping into is through that clear quartz, you're tapping into all the clear quartz as in the multiverse. And through that clear quartz, you're tipping into all the minerals in the multiverse. So what that should tell you is you don't actually need a whole lot of crystals, which is another myth. The other thing I've come to realize is when I work with a certain type of crystal energy like clear cores, rose cores, amethysts, those are probably the very first few that we tend to gravitate to. The energy stays with you. So when you tap into your bones, which are like 60, 65 percent or more minerals, they will have just like a mantra. That was another entry point for me. Just like when you spent time with a mantra, that mantra takes roots in you and stays with you. You can tap into and activate the energy of a physical crystal that you've been in touch with at some point in your life, which then should tell you, You can activate and work with any crystal in the multiverse at any point in your life, if you know how. So you don't need physical crystals. And you do need physical crystals. Does that make sense?

Marissa: Totally does. And I think that's really great, like a doorway into kind of the other thing that we were going to talk about is self-healing, the self-journey. Cause that's, again, what I'm picking up is yes, there are external tools, absolutely. That can help us. And maybe that's the doorway in, but. Really, the ultimate goal of all of this is to be able to source from you. We understand that you are divine, that your power is in you and you can source into that at any time using the tool or using your body, using yourself. And so what is really exciting is that Damla is a guest contributor inside of our library this month. And she has gifted us with beauty. Robust training that I'm really excited to dive into myself is called the self-healing journey map. And I'd love to talk a little bit about what's in that map and then how, what we've been talking about with the crystals, how that relates to what's in that map.

Damla: Yeah, that's a spiraling map. It is laid out as a linear map, but we're on that spiraling staircase. It's a cycle. Yes, but you do hit different viewpoints as you spiral up or sometimes down. Sometimes down. Okay, so that started with. Me, I think I wasn't even aware of the map when I first started with these things, just like I'm sure it happened to you when I started yoga, I was like, Oh my God, this is amazing. Why isn't anyone doing this? I have to go all in on this and do everything about this and the same with crystal healing. And it took me a while to realize not everyone is on the same stage as I am. There's some people who are not even aware of what I call energetic moods. And those are the traumas that we carry from this life or others or from our ancestors. And that presents itself as sometimes people lashing out. Living through with different limitations of understanding of life or physicality or even physical pain. And just very briefly, the first step is saying, okay, I have a, I'm, I'm not where I want to be. I'm struggling. Something doesn't feel right. And then you say, okay, where is it that I want to be in? That's the next step to define, okay, I'm just feeling all this pain in my body or in my relationships or in my spirituality, inner life or outer life. So let me define where it is that I want to go, but you don't know how that's the, like after the awareness comes the search, which was what I was doing when I became a first mom. I said, okay, just show me. Show me everything. Bring me everything. Through the search, you come into contact with what you were calling the tools, the methods, and you say, okay, let me try this thing that Damla is talking about. Let's try crystal healing. Let's see how that feels. And then you might start with it. And then you're like, Oh, this doesn't seem to be working. And I explain in the training why it doesn't work when you first start out. And then you try another one. But at that mid-stage, you haven't committed. That's the missing piece. The missing piece is you saying you not faulting the tool or your practice or yourself and saying, okay, for this to work, I need to commit to this, some sort of schedule. It doesn't have to be linear like that, but like you, you make a commitment to explore it further. And that brings you to the let me do it all by myself phase and you, because of your trauma and because you've tried many different tools and they. Seemingly didn't work, you don't trust the tools as much, but you found this one tool that you trust and you say, okay, I'm going to do it all by myself. And again, this is the euphoric phase of, oh my God, this is doing amazing things for me. Let me share this with everyone. And all of those but then you come to a place where you've reached a plateau and the next wave of what I call shit hitting the fan hits. comes in and you're like, yeah, this tool isn't quite cutting it. And that's the time where we advanced beings need to ask for help. That's the next stage of your relationship with yourself and with the world to say, I don't have to and want to do this all by myself. I can get support. I can get people who can see my blind spots and take me out, out of my plateau into the next level. And then you can continue your. Self-healing, you're DYing there, but then, so you stop blaming your circumstances. You stop blaming the tool. You stop blaming the teacher. You stop blaming the healer. And at this last stage, you stop blaming the cycles because the cycles will always bring you more stuff to work with.

Marissa: Okay, that's where I'm at right now. Like, why am I in this rebirth cycle again? Dang it. I have the awareness of where I'm at, why, what it's, what the medicine is. I get it. But I'm like, do we really have to do this again?

Damla: Yes. The answer is yes. I love that you know exactly where you are. That's a beautiful place to be. And then you might say okay, what are the places where I am at zero? What are the places that I'm not even aware of that I need to get help with? And then you restart, restart the journey. The good thing about that is you realize it doesn't have to be perfect. You realize there's no such thing as a hundred percent being healed. And then you realize Tools are tools, unless you know how to approach them with intention and dedicated perseverance. And you also realize tools have limits and you need actual people to hold you sometimes.

Marissa: Yeah, that's incredible. How do you help your... People come to accept that it's never done. I think this is a big opportunity for rewilding and for decolonizing and taking our power back. We've been told this linear view, right? We start here, we stop here, we achieve success and then we're done, right? But as you and I are talking, it's not that way. And sometimes that feels like you're popping someone's balloon, or you're like a big party pooper nope, sorry you're not ever gonna be done. So how do you guide your people through that concept that self-healing is always going to be a continuous journey?

Damla: Let me make it real simple. It's, it's going to continue until you die and then some, because that's what we signed up for. That's the whole gig. Yeah, reality. It's not easy. It's not easy.

Marissa: I guide people back to nature. I have this beautiful tree in my backyard. It's a mulberry tree. And if anybody knows in May. There are berries everywhere and we don't have carpet in my house because they stain everything. Like they get on the bottom of your shoe and they stain everything. But I look at this tree and like right now she's losing her leaves and they're falling and then she's going to be bare for a while and then the blooms are going to come and then that damn fruit is going to come. Which is beautiful but it's also a little annoying. But I just have to source this wisdom from something outside of me. And I have to say that tree is like, Oh damn, it's fallen again. I'm about to lose my leaves. And the tree just accepts that the tree knows that this is part of her life cycle and she's going to keep going through that life cycle. And there's beauty and wisdom and medicine and challenge in each of the seasons of the cycle. And I think that when we can align with that, we can see that. We are there's beauty to have, there's joy to have in each season. There's also challenges and wisdom and medicine in each season. And I think when we can make that shift, we can start to accept and possibly enjoy the healing journey. I'd love to know your thoughts.

Damla: That's actually the last step of the.

Marissa: Oh there we go. I haven't even looked at it yet.

Damla: Last step is you, once you accept the cycles, you begin to enjoy them because you're getting the help because you're getting the tools, um, because you know yourself better and better. I'm going to say this though. I'm right there too with you. with this whole I'm turning 45 in January and just going through the beautiful perimenopause pose or towards that. And one thing I will say is that it does get easier in recognizing what you just said. Okay. What's happening? I'm going crazy, but this is the season. This is a moment. Like I just had house guests on the weekend and it takes a certain amount of energy and effort and I'm like, what's happening? I'm tired. I'm getting cranky. I know this is a phase. Let me go sit with my crystals for a second. And then how can I resource myself? What's needed here? What do I need? How did I communicate these needs to myself to others? What's the next thing on my agenda? Oh, I have this huge to-do list, but let me just. sit here in the sun for a little bit. Yeah. hOw does my body feel, how does my soul feel like that sort of thing?

Marissa: I think there's a place we come on our spiritual path where we begin to take ownership. And that's what I'm hearing from you. It's okay, so maybe we have a spiritual awakening. We're like, Oh my God, there's guides. Oh, there's crystal, whatever. All these tools that we've been talking about. And then it's We're leaning on them and we're using them, which is lovely, but there comes this point where it's like, we need to take ownership and rather than expecting a crystal to fill us a meditation, to fill us a guided journey, to fill us, whatever. I love how you say, am I resourced right now? It's taking ownership of that and saying, okay, I can't blame this on anybody else or anything else. I can't expect anyone else or anything else. To give me what I need to be in communion and in relationship with myself and say is this right for me at this moment? Should I be working? Should I be doing that thing? Should I be entertaining people right now? Or should I be sitting in the sun? Should I be resting? Should I be reading? Whatever fills your cup and be intentional about that. And saying the only way that this is going to actually be done is if I do it. And I think that's really powerful and really beautiful.

Damla: Do it with or without help, that's always an option and the help doesn't have to be physical. Remember when we talked about the crystals that you connect with, connect you to the multi horse of crystals. Yes, that includes people, healers like you and I, resources like the beautiful membership that you have, that I have but also there are invisible resources that you can tap to.

Marissa: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. See, I'm still growing. I'm still learning here too because maybe I'm still in that place a little bit where I have, I feel like I have to do some things myself. I do recognize when somebody has wisdom that I don't. Or when they can guide me in a way that I can't guide myself. Cause I think, those, not those who can't teach, that's the wrong phrase that's coming out, but sometimes you can't see for yourself, right? So I do acknowledge that, but I still think my first inclination is to try by myself. So that part of the conversation is unlocking for me as well.

Damla: Yeah, that's the, that's the spiraling step that you're on that you so beautifully are aware of or becoming aware of is saying, okay, do I always have to do it by myself? And what are they? What am I afraid of if I don't do it by myself? Then you could turn it around and say, what am I missing out on by doing it just by myself?

Marissa: Yeah. And so this map that you have provided us walks us through each of these sites, these seasons, these cycles, these phases.

Damla: Yeah, in the class, I talk much more in-depth about each step, each phase you might find yourself in, and it's very helpful because not everybody knows or thinks about these things, where am I in my journey? And I started to think about this when I was going through my own teaching journey or offering crystal healings and encountering people. On different, in different stages of their life and saying, okay and it at different stages, like our aperture, just like the aperture of a camera that lets the light in is going to be different like at zero, it's closed. And then you open it up a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more. So there's a gradual opening, like a birthing cycle. Yeah. I was like, okay, like I can't, we can't force a woman's labor or anyone's spiritual labor. So who am I to judge someone's stage of life and their healing journey, but let me offer this map so they can know it for themselves.

Marissa: That really resonates with me going back. I didn't have a C section, but I was very close to having one because I had a 38-hour labor with my. First daughter. My second daughter just swam right out. She's I'm here, but my first daughter, it was 38 hours and Yeah, basically, I'm just sitting there waiting to dilate. And then there came this point where you can push and I, my daughter's name is Sawyer and I said, okay, Sawyer, it's you and me now, like I'm getting emotional. Like it's time for us to like, to do the pushing now. And that kind of reminds me of what I was saying, like there's the opening, and then there's the place where you can step out and take the ownership. And that's what my birthing process was like. So as you were saying that spiritual labor, that spiritual birthing, that spiritually spiritual dilating, that really stuck with me.

Damla: And how uncomfortable was that?

Marissa: Oh man, it was terrible. It was like, I was still very much in my masculine then. And I'm like, what the heck? Why am I not birthing? Like why am I not doing what my body's supposed to do? Ugh. But I wish I could go back 10 years and be like, look, lady, you don't know a thing right now, so you mentioned your membership. I'd love to share a little bit more about what it is and how it works and where people can find more about you.

Damla: Yeah, absolutely. My website is called a drop of adropofom.com. And there I have a listing of all my healing offers so you can go, there's lots of freebies and such. My membership is super affordable and it's called chakra bliss vault. It's just 11 a month right now. It's very accessible and it has over 100 crystal healing recordings. I have these mini healings that you can do like in between meetings and then I have longer like delicious 45 minute healings all about different energetic foods I encounter in people, meditations, healing journeys, if you will yeah, I encourage you to take a look, check it out and see what might resonate with you in there.

Marissa: And library members, you will have access to Domino's self-guided or self. Healing journey map inside of the library. If you want to learn more about what Donna has shared with us today, you are welcome to head on over to rootedfeminine.com and check out our library and become a member today. Donna, thank you so much for your time. This has been a beautiful chat. I have had has and shifts just from our time together this morning, so I really appreciate you. And it's been great to have you on the show today.

Damla: Thank you. I enjoyed our conversation and I hope your members can check the training out and just reach out to me if you have any questions at all or thoughts or ahas.

Marissa: I love it. All right. So I will no longer be using my crystals. I will be relating to them and communing with them and working on opening to a deeper sense of connection. It's so funny how we can do this in one area of our lives or one area of our spirituality. As I mentioned in the episode, Whenever I'm working with an archetype, if I'm working with a maiden, or if I'm working with a seductress, or if I'm working with a crone or whatever energy that I'm working with, I even describe it that way. I'm working with this energy. And yet with crystals, I absolutely would have said, Oh yeah, I use this crystal for grounding. I use this crystal for da, and so Even when we have really, I love the word ascended, but when we've gotten to a level of openness in one place of our spirituality, we may see, Oh, there's another one that's not so open. And that was definitely the case for me today. And just learning about it. A new way, a new paradigm, a new approach to working with crystals and inviting them onto our healing journey with us was super incredible. Again, if you are a member of the library, you already have Domino's drop. It has been released to you this morning. So you can head on into it and check out this self-healing map that she has provided with us and shown us how to weave crystals into our healing journey. If you are not. A library member head over to rootedfeminine.com subscribe. It is a super affordable way for you to have access to divine feminine sacred tools that can help you on your spiritual journey. We drop mystic maps, which are PDF downloadables. We drop potent practices, which are meditations. We drop wisdom workshops, like what Damla has provided for us in this particular month and also deeper healing journeys where I might guide you through which wound, mother wound, sister wound, some of those deeper things. And those will all be found inside the library. There's multiple resources in there for you now


Episode 26 - The Holy Trinity of Pleasure Activation with Leslie Draffin


Episode 24 - You are Brave Enough to Step Into Your Next Highest Self