Episode 4 - The Four Feminine Wisdom Centers

As we all know…

operating from our heads all the time can be quite limiting.

Cutting off our 6th sense and other ways of perceiving that come through our bodies.

In episode 4 of Rooted Feminine, we will dive deep into the four feminine wisdom centers present within each of us.

From the womb space to the heart, to the root and crown spaces, we will explore the importance of connecting with and activating these centers to achieve greater wisdom, perception, magnetism, and discernment. The patriarchy and media often condition us to operate solely from the head, and this episode is the perfect reminder and guide to tapping into our feminine wisdom centers, activating our magic, and creating our own narratives instead of playing bit parts in someone else's story.

We will also explore the power of the womb space, our connection to ourselves within our root space, the importance of tapping into our heart space, and the ability to channel spiritual wisdom down into your being.

Show Notes:

Hey sister, welcome to episode four of Rooted Feminine. Today, I’m excited to discuss body wisdom and the four Feminine wisdom centers.

A couple of episodes ago, I mentioned that we are in the process of moving across the country. Moving is not new to me as we have relocated several times, but this move is special because it’s our final one, and we’re returning home. This is exhilarating because we’re reconnecting with the land and community that resonate deeply with us.

As you may know, moving is considered one of the most stressful life events, up there with birth, death, and marriage. I can attest to this, as I’ve found myself falling back into old patterns of overthinking and stress.

Though I’m devoted to walking the feminine path and engaging in spiritual practices, it doesn’t mean I’m immune to stress or reverting to old habits. The journey of awakening is continuous; we don’t ever reach a final destination. To me, awareness is key. Noticing when I’m slipping into old patterns and acknowledging my emotions are vital steps in navigating these challenges.

This brings us to our topic today: body wisdom and the four Feminine wisdom centers located within our bodies. Due to the move, I’ve been operating mainly from my head, juggling dates and plans, which is more of a masculine way of functioning. It’s important to remember that both masculine and feminine energies are valuable and play different roles in our lives.

In the spiritual community, there’s often talk of seeking wisdom externally through concepts like higher consciousness and extraterrestrial beings. While these are fascinating, I firmly believe in the importance of grounding ourselves in the wisdom found here on Earth, and within our bodies.

The external quest for wisdom can be seen as a masculine approach, striving to reach a destination. In contrast, the feminine path teaches us that everything we need to connect with the divine is already within us, in our cells, bones, blood, and bodies. On this path, we understand that we are inherently divine, and by turning inward, we can reconnect with our divinity without the need for an intermediary.

So, in today’s episode, let's explore the wisdom that resides within our bodies through the lens of the feminine path.

There are four body centers that we will cover today. Each of these centers harbors different elements of wisdom and various connections to the divine. Depending on our needs, we can call upon these wisdom centers.

What sets feminine spirituality apart is recognizing that you are divine. You are a goddess, a god, divinity embodied. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. As I mentioned in the first episode, intentionally channeling spiritual wisdom into the depths of our being is empowering. This is the essence of feminine power.

In recent weeks, I have observed that remaining solely in our head or relying only on our masculine wisdom center leads to certain issues. Primarily, it disconnects us from the innate power within our bodies. We end up operating like floating heads, perceiving the world through only a few of our senses. Our tactile sense and sixth sense, which include intuition and inner knowing, remain untapped when we are confined to our heads. These senses are a part of our body wisdom.

When we are stuck in an analytical and overthinking mode, we are engaging our masculine wisdom center. Though this center is essential for functioning and safety, it is not meant to be our only operating system. Relying solely on it narrows our focus and perception of the world. For example, when you enter a room where an argument has occurred, you can sense the tension. This sensing is not through your head, but through your body wisdom.

Operating only from the head narrows our experience of the world as we are not open to alternative perceptions that can only be accessed through the body. It severs our connection to the sixth sense. Consequently, we may find ourselves in anxious states where we ruminate and overanalyze.

Thoughts and cognitions are important, but they shouldn't be our only tools. Our head is vital for processing information, but being cut off from our bodies can leave us stuck in an overly analytical space. Additionally, it's important to recognize that this mode of operating is influenced by patriarchal conditioning.

So, it’s essential to balance and integrate both the masculine and feminine aspects within ourselves for a more holistic experience of life and connection to our divinity.

You can always count on me to highlight how certain influences keep us stuck in our conditioning. One way the patriarchal society conditions us is through the media and the messages we receive. If we are only operating from our heads and taking in information through advertisements and social media, we are consuming a narrative controlled by external forces. This happens unless we are conscious about the content we engage with. Still, it's often someone else's message that we absorb through our analytical mind, making it easy for external influences to reinforce our conditioning.

When we connect with our bodies, we can ask ourselves, "Is this true for me? Does it resonate with my soul?" Resonance does not come from the head; it comes from the body. If we remain disconnected from our bodies and stuck in our heads, we become part of a narrative that may not be authentic to us. This prevents us from realizing and living our true stories.

Ultimately, this leads to playing small, staying quiet and submissive, which is exactly what the patriarchal society desires. There is a fear of feminine power and its potential to create change in the world. Society is structured to reward analytical thinking and keep us ruminating, which in turn disconnects us from our bodies.

Once we know how to connect with our bodies and tap into feminine wisdom, there is a profound shift. We become activated in our sixth sense and begin to perceive the world not just through sight, hearing, smell, and taste, but also through touch and a deeper sensory experience. When in this state, you may notice changes in your voice and breath as you engage with the world through your body.

On the other hand, when cut off from this connection, you may find that your voice picks up pace and you talk faster. This is indicative of operating from the head. However, when you drop into your body, you are activating your feminine magic. It is a more powerful way to experience the world.

Today, I will show you four ways to activate this magic. When you tap into this energy, you are stepping into the mystical realm, engaging your sixth sense, and connecting with the world on a deeper level. It’s in this state that you can feel the subtle energies, such as the tension in a room after an argument.

You just know when something is off about that person at the gym, right? Or you can sense that the woman next to you in the checkout line at Target is having a great day because her radiance is pouring out, and you're picking up on that radiance through your body.

This is about activating our feminine magic, awakening, and working within the mystical realm. When we are in this realm, we co-create with the universe. We manifest changes for ourselves and collectively. Feeling the desire in our body rather than just wanting something with our mind makes a world of difference. It changes the way we experience desire, the way we connect with it, and how we manifest it. All of this happens within the body.

So, when you're in this state, you're awake. Your magic is activated. You become magnetic, perceptive, wise, and take up space. Moreover, you can trust yourself. Instead of blindly following the messages that society imposes on us, we can use our discernment to ask, "Is this right for me? Is this true for me? Does my soul resonate with this?"

This enables us to trust ourselves rather than adhering to the narratives and constraints imposed by society. By connecting with our bodies, we are not just characters in someone else's story, we create our own.

The ultimate goal is to have an integrated balance; to be in the mind when necessary and in the body when it serves us. Sometimes we need to spend extra time connecting with our bodies to understand what we truly desire. Like a pendulum, sometimes we need to shift entirely in one direction before we can find equilibrium.

Activating your body and connecting with it is crucial on the feminine path, as this is where your wisdom and power reside.

Let’s discuss four distinct aspects of feminine wisdom and where they are located within the body. We will also talk about how you can tap into them and begin using them.

The first one we are going to work with is the heart. Note that there's no particular order or hierarchy of importance among these aspects. What you may find, however, is that some are easier for you to access than others. You might have a natural affinity or a special connection with, say, your heart or your root space. Consequently, you might find that two out of the four aspects are easy for you to work with, while the others might be more challenging to access. It is essential to understand that everyone has the ability to access all of these aspects, though some might have a natural inclination or talent for specific ones, similar to how some people can draw, sing, or dance naturally. Regardless, all of these aspects of feminine wisdom are accessible to you.

So, the first place we're going to start is with our heart.

So, this is about the heart chakra or heart space. It's not just a small area - sometimes we think of the chakra as being a quarter-sized location. You can access your heart through the front of your body, the side, or the back. It is an area where wisdom resides.

Now, when you are connecting with this space, notice that I corrected myself. Instead of saying, "when you're thinking about," I want to emphasize “when you’re feeling into” your heart space. There are several ways to do this. One way is to simply breathe into it. Breath is a powerful tool. You can also move; sometimes, I like to do this wave movement with my shoulders which helps me get into my heart space. Touching, tapping, rubbing, or scratching, anything that brings physical awareness to the heart space, can also be helpful.

When working with feminine mysticism, visualization can be useful. Some people are more clairvoyant and can see things vividly. You might visualize your heart space; in terms of chakras, this would correspond to the color green. Another color associated with the heart is a rose or pink hue.

If you work with crystals, they can serve as amplifiers or provide a frequency that you can tap into. Holding a crystal in your hand, its frequency can resonate with that in your body.

In the feminine space, sensing is also important. Simply bringing body awareness to your heart space, opening it up, is like a feeling or sensation that might be accessible to you.

There’s also the element of ‘knowing’. It's intriguing to explore how this feels. When I was sensing, it felt very expansive, while ‘knowing’ draws me deep into my body and heart space. Experiment with how you experience these, and you might find that you just know you are in your heart space - not with your mind, but with your body.

Whichever tool helps you get there, even if it’s a combination, is perfectly fine. Meditations or music can also be useful. Though they engage the mind, sometimes the mind is the doorway that is most open since we have spent a lot of time and energy there. Use it as a doorway but do so consciously and intentionally. Say to yourself, "I’m going in through music or a guided meditation, but I’m going to use that as a tool to access my heart."

With the intention of being in your heart, any method that helps you reach that space is acceptable. With practice and over time, you’ll be able to simply drop into your heart space effortlessly.

The Heart Wisdom Center is associated with the wisdom of unconditional love. The characteristics of this wisdom center are compassion, kindness, and generativity.

Generativity means pouring into others, caring about, and actively pouring into others. Okay. Compassion, kindness, generativity. When you focus on the heart space, this is your emergence. Think of your heart space as analogous to spring in the cycle of seasons - spring, summer, fall, winter. Your spring takes place in your heart.

So, anything that's budding, blooming, brand new, and fresh is in the heart space. It's great to use your heart intentionally. Each of these wisdom centers can be called upon. For example, you can say, "Hey, I need heart wisdom in this scenario." However, don't grasp too tightly on that because it could become a sort of masculine striving. You want to gently call on your heart, recognizing that it has its own wisdom. Think of it as if your heart has its own existence, similar to a brain.

Calling on your heart might be like saying, "Hey, do you have anything for me?" rather than demanding, "You must give me your information right now." It’s a different approach, but you can call upon your heart when you want or need to. Additionally, be open to the messages your heart may have for you without you actively seeking them.

Now, let’s talk about situations where you might want to use your heart. Remember compassion, generativity, kindness. For instance, when you're witnessing something happening in the world, like news stories that are difficult to understand, your heart space can help make more sense of it. Sometimes things don’t make sense to our minds, but dropping into your heart space might help you gain understanding.

Another situation where you might call on heart wisdom is if you are about to have a difficult conversation with someone. Our conditioned tendency might be to get defensive. However, by tapping into your heart, understanding, and having compassion for the other person involved in the conversation, you can be open to hearing both sides of the story while remaining kind, even if you're disagreeing.

Sometimes, when you flat-out disagree with someone and can't find common ground through cognitive understanding, your heart might provide insights or wisdom that your head just can't.

There are also personal times when you want to call on your heart. Let’s say you're ready to bring back some joy or effervescence in your life. Working with your heart center and listening to its advice can help you rediscover joy that might have been missing for a while, especially after experiences like a breakup, depression, or any challenging situation.

Another instance where your heart can be helpful is when you need to make a decision. All wisdom centers will help us make decisions in different ways, but the heart is particularly powerful in helping us discern what resonates with us.

One mantra that you can use to help activate this heart space and get familiar with what it feels like is "I am part of a mother." (Note: The sentence seems to be cut off. It’s not clear if "part of a mother" is the complete mantra or if there is more to it.)

You can say that to yourself, "I have the heart of a mother." Sometimes, this can be triggering if we don't have the best relationship with our mother. So, you can instead think of it as having the heart of the Great Mother, such as Gaia or Mother Mary, or any of the archetypes or goddess energies that represent unconditional love for you. If the term "biological mother" is tricky or triggering, think "heart of the Great Mother." Say, "I call on the heart of the Great Mother to draw me into my wisdom center of unconditional love. I evoke the heart of the Great Mother." Then, bring that unconditional love, kindness, and compassion upon yourself.

Now, let’s move to the next wisdom center in the feminine pedagogy or path, which is your gut, or solar plexus, located right under your ribcage and a little bit above your belly button. You can use the same tools as before: visualization, touch, breath, movement, sound, and engaging your mysticism by tuning into your knowing, seeing, clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance.

Your gut, or solar plexus, is associated with the color yellow in the chakra system. Consider using yellow crystals or visualizing the color yellow in your mind's eye, anything that helps you connect to this center. Here, we work with personal responsibility and boundaries.

Sometimes, the solar plexus is associated with masculine energy because people often think of power as having power over others. However, in this wisdom center, we are talking about self-responsibility, self-mastery, and personal responsibility from a feminine perspective, as well as boundaries.

When you are working on your own rebirth or becoming, consider focusing on liberation. Liberation, freedom, and sovereignty reside in this space.

There are different situations where you might want to use your gut wisdom. For example, if someone is invading your personal space or crossing physical boundaries, calling upon your solar plexus or power center can help you stand stronger, as if it puffs you up, and assertively claim your space.

Another situation is when someone is compromising your values. It might not necessarily be a physical boundary, but rather an emotional one or a violation of your values. When someone asks you to behave in ways you are not comfortable with or treats you in ways that don’t align with your values, calling upon your gut wisdom can be helpful.

Also, when you see someone being mistreated, it's important to stand up for them. Many times, people are conditioned to remain silent. By activating your gut wisdom, you can find the strength to advocate for others as well as for yourself. For instance, if you’re at the doctor’s office and you’re trying to discuss an issue but the doctor dismisses you, calling on this gut wisdom can help you assert yourself effectively.

Hmm. Call on this wisdom center, find the power to advocate for yourself and say, "Absolutely not. I don't think that's correct. Here's what I'm experiencing in my body," and so on. This is when we can definitely call on the gut wisdom center.

Another scenario is when you need to set something straight or someone straight. This also involves taking personal responsibility if you have made a mistake. Our conditioning often tells us to ignore it, hoping people will forget, or to avoid admitting to a mistake or apologizing. As women, we often over-apologize for things that don't warrant it, but there are times when we need to take ownership of something and assume personal responsibility. So, if you need to set something straight, like admitting a mistake and apologizing for how you came across, that is absolutely wise. This is an act of wisdom that we have been discouraged from doing for a long time. But it is definitely stepping into the power that you have.

Sometimes, when you want to redefine your values, especially when you are in a rewilding phase and stepping out of systems and structures that don't support you, you need to call on this wisdom center. Ask yourself, "What are my own terms? What do I stand for? What don't I stand for?" This discernment can also come from the gut. A great mantra here is "Power of a Queen." Say, “I call upon the power of a queen to hold my head high, to stand firm in my boundaries, and to show up for myself in a way that feels right for me. I have the power of a queen.” Take a moment to feel into that.

Wiggle your body a bit, move the energy around. Now, let’s drop further down to the third Wisdom Center. I don’t want to plant a seed because this may or may not be true for you, but sometimes this center is harder to access. The reason for this is that patriarchal structures often want us to cut off from our sexual place. They don't want us to realize how powerful our sexual energy is. It’s important to recognize that the womb is not just about sexual energy, although that is certainly part of it. There is more to the feminine than just the seductive side. While the seductive aspect is often glorified in social media, like on Instagram and TikTok, it's not the only part of the feminine or the womb space.

Whether you biologically have a womb, or if you had a hysterectomy, you still have this womb space. I'm not necessarily referring to just the organ. Another term for this space is Hara (H-A-R-A). Coincidentally, “hara” is the root word for “harbor,” which means space or cave. However, the term was co-opted by patriarchal systems and given a negative connotation, similar to many derogatory names. If the term “womb” doesn’t resonate with you, you can use the word “hara.” Regardless, you can bring your awareness to your womb space through touch, breath, movement, visualization, clairvoyance, and sensation (clairsentience).

Hmm. Whatever helps us arrive in the womb space. Again, different crystals or sound frequencies can help us get here. The womb space, according to the chakra system, is aligned with the color orange. So, if you want to activate this space, you can visualize the color orange in your mind's eye.

Many people in the spiritual and feminine spaces are teaching twerking, which is both fun and fascinating. What they are doing is unlocking the sacral chakra and the womb space. If you can't twerk (like I can't, but would love to learn), you can try doing circles with your hips or little spirals; these movements can also help to unlock the space. If you need something that's more physical or movement-based, this can absolutely help.

The womb space is about alchemy—magical change, turning lead into gold, transmutation, and transformation. This is what this wisdom center embodies. It helps us explore the darker side, delve into the depths, and enact change within ourselves. This isn't about casting spells on others, but rather about changing our own energy, which then affects how we interact with others.

When working with your womb, the season of rebirth that this correlates with is the shadow season. The womb space is especially potent when something needs to be released. For those who menstruate, this is embodied in the shedding and releasing that occurs during the menstrual cycle. However, even if you don't menstruate or are not drawn to this aspect, you can still think of this as a process of release and letting go. Whether it’s moving on from a person, situation, or healing from a wound, the womb wisdom and energy can be a powerful tool in this process.

Additionally, the womb space can offer a deeper understanding of various situations. When we think with our heads, we often have a surface-level understanding. As we move down the body, the understanding deepens. The heart provides light-hearted, unconditional love, while the gut offers firmness and boundaries. When we drop into the womb, we seek depth. We ask, "What's really going on here? What's hidden in the shadows?"

For instance, if you are dating someone new and you notice a red flag, you can consult your womb space. What does the womb wisdom tell you? What is hidden in the shadows? The womb space can reveal the shadow aspects of that person, or even your own shadows. This helps in seeking a deeper understanding, particularly when you want to see the hidden reality of a situation for yourself or others.

And don't be surprised if you set out to understand one thing and your womb shows you something else because the womb is a shadowy place. The womb is also associated with waters, often referred to as the womb waters. Being watery and shadowy in nature, it doesn’t always provide the answers that you might initially be seeking when you work with your womb.

In this alchemy, when you really want to transform something, think of a butterfly going into a chrysalis. The chrysalis is like the womb, a cave where transformation takes place, allowing the butterfly to eventually emerge and fly. That’s what's happening in this alchemical space - transformation, release, and a shadowy understanding. Alchemy is taking place here.

When working with your womb space, a mantra that you can use is, "the womb of a witch." Say to yourself, “I enter into the womb of the witch, into the shadowy secret places, calling on the truth, calling forth the truth. In this womb space, I am willing, able, and ready to make changes and willing to shed and release the things that no longer serve me, so that I can transmute into the next, best, highest, healed, whole version of myself." And you can say this while calling on the womb of a witch.

Shake it out, shake it out. When you are in tune with your body, it’s important to find ways to move the energy. So, shaking, dancing, moving, or even energetically flushing by using your hands to draw down energy on the outside of your body can be helpful. When you activate energy, you should also release it; you don’t want to have just a big ball of energy active in your body. So, once you are done, move it out.

Now, moving down one more layer, we reach the root chakra located at the base of your spine where your tailbone is. In the chakra system, this area is represented by the color red. To get in touch with this space, you can try small hip circles, but focus on the part where your sit bones touch as this gives you a physical sensation of the space. Breathing, making sounds, moving, or visualizing roots like those of a tree, or imagining a rope extending down from you and anchoring to the center of the earth, can also help activate the root chakra.

Sensing and listening for messages is key – this is called clairsentience and clairaudience, respectively.

When you engage with the root space, you enter the realm of knowing – an assuredness and stability that comes from the root. Working with this Wisdom Center is about trusting yourself and being certain of your path, and it involves integration or healing. The womb space might stir up your shadow, and then you can channel that energy down into your root for grounding and processing.

You can heal it; you can integrate it. There are several scenarios where you can call upon the wisdom of the root chakra. You can tap into your root when seeking ancestral wisdom or guidance from your ancestors or spiritual guides. For example, some individuals work with angel guides which are usually associated with higher realms, while the ancestors are connected to the earth. This wisdom that is deeply rooted in the earth is what we access through our root chakra.

When you want to understand the long-term implications of a decision, ask yourself questions like, “How does this affect me in the long term?”, “Do I feel stable about this?”, or “Does this decision provide me with a firm foundation?”. The answers to these questions and the fundamental feelings about your decisions are the kind of wisdom that comes from the root chakra.

Additionally, the root chakra is associated with definitive knowing – a solid yes or no. While the womb space is shadowy and watery and provides deeper insight, the root chakra is where the clear and decisive answers come from.

Another aspect of the root chakra is its connection to taking up space. Just like the roots of a tree spread out into the ground to create a firm foundation, establishing your roots in the context of your life means creating a solid base for yourself. Even in the face of challenges, having strong roots will ensure that you remain grounded and steadfast. This applies not just to being rooted in a physical location but also in a state of being, a mindset, or an area of expertise. The root chakra is about asserting yourself and declaring, “This is my path; this is who I am and what I do.”

A mantra that can be used to invoke the energy of the root chakra is “Roots of Aron.” You can say, “I call upon the roots of Aron, with wisdom and experience. Aron, who knows herself and does not yield to the influence of others, who stands unshakable, sure and loyal to herself. I call upon her wisdom to guide me in certain knowing, her wisdom for a firm foundation, and her wisdom for making long-term decisions. I call upon the roots of Aron.”

Take a moment to let that energy flow. You can revisit this episode as many times as needed and explore these four wisdom centers. The more time you spend practicing, the easier it becomes to summon the energy. Eventually, you may only need to utter a simple phrase like “Heart of the Great Mother” or “Power of a Queen” to connect with the energy. However, be patient, especially if you find some of these practices more challenging than others. Now you are aware of the wisdom your body holds and the places within you to seek guidance when needed.

I hope this has been incredibly helpful for you and provides you with a practice that you can continue using going forward. If you're ready to tap into these four wisdom centers and activate them in your life or business, I invite you to take my quiz at rootedfeminine.com/quiz. This quiz will help you determine which season of re-routing you're currently in. With just nine quick questions, it won't take up much of your time. Once you complete the quiz, it will reveal which wisdom center you're primarily working from and which one may require your attention at this moment. You can then dive deeper into that particular center.

So head over to rootedfeminine.com/quiz and I can't wait to connect with you again in Temple Space.


Episode 5 - Happy Solstice: Liberation Season


Episode 3 - Feminine VS Masculine Energy