Hi, I’m Marissa

And there’s something I’m soul damn sure about

Our roots - our connection to our parentage, our purpose, and our planet - are our truest source of power.

Yes, mystical, magical powers AND wholly embodied self-trust

For when we tap into the spiritual world that exists beyond our senses and ground it into our everyday lives and businesses, we begin to remember just how potent we truly are.

It’s tragic the ways in which patriarchy and colonialism have cut us off from our ancestral medicine.

And even more devastating the ways in which women’s power has been twisted, tarnished, and taken away throughout the last several millennia.

We will never really know how much wisdom has been lost.

But I wholeheartedly believe the feminine is rising again, resurrecting the need for connection and community.

There is a deep, pulsing, collective movement toward more unconditional love, cyclical living, and soulful expansion.

And you can absolutely claim your role in it.

You can recall the ancient, cellular memory of your unique magic. You can weave yourself back into the pattern of seasonal and celestial rhythms.

You can call upon the multi-faceted flavors of your feminine energy. It’s already yours.

Allow me to speak to your Spirit for a minuite

I know just how validating it can be for someone to talk life into your innermost thoughts. To hear that the most precious, most sacred desires of your heart are real and belong in the world.

When every bit of you knows without a doubt you are meant for something more, something powerful, but the world in its current state isn’t designed to support powerful women.

In fact, it’s designed to hunt them down and persecute them.

Sure, you can play by patriarchy’s rules… build your business, live your life the way “they” want you to, but it will never be enough. It will never fill your soul.

That’s because you’re on a different path - the feminine path. Which I hate to break it to you, is the more difficult one. But…

You’ve been called here for a reason

Staring down the world as you know it - toeing up and demanding change - is hard.

You, and every other woman on the planet, have been conditioned to keep yourself small, not make any noise, and to do what you’re told.

All in the name of propping up systems of oppression.

We’re talking about thousands of years and multiple generations of messaging and coercion women have to undo.

And you are one of the cycle breakers.

One of the called women who are here to ensure the feminine finds her home. To help all women recognize our right to fill our feminine souls, live life on purpose, and cultivate a whole existence.

Something I know for sure is that healing yourself is what will heal the collective. Doing the work bit by bit, day by day, is what will pave the way for our sisters and our daughters to truly thrive in their sovereign wholeness.

And it starts by trusting yourself and taking up space.

This is where I come in

As a wisdom keeper of ancient feminine mysteries, it is my dharma to ensure that every woman on the feminine path feels supported in resurrecting her most powerful magic - even when it brings up her deepest wounds.

I am a weaver. Bringing together Earthen rhythms and Divine Feminine archetypes to help women recalibrate to a power more ancient, more pure than anything they’ve felt before. It’s seriously the most important thing in the world to me to guide feminine seekers to their soul’s truth.

My mission is to help women in various stages of relationship with their feminine energy step more fully into their divinity. To see past just the sexy or sweet side of the feminine and feel in their bones their multi-faceted, all-encompassing potential.

When you walk with me, you’re choosing to work with someone who understands you on a soul level. Together, we’re stepping into a wise and rooted journey toward unlocking your ability to radically believe in yourself and unapologetically make change. I promise to be with you every step of the way.

You’re ready for the journey

Perhaps your power has been coming to you in pieces. Flashes of heart-led joy or gut instinct sovereignty.

Or maybe it’s shown through as a womb-like alchemy or deep rooted intuition.

You have no doubt your magic is speaking to you, urging you to step more fully into your wisdom. Yet you’re not sure how to integrate everything together in a way that serves your whole self and your whole soul.

Don’t fear woman!

I’ve created a container that will help you embody your feminine energy in a cyclical way. So that you can feel into all aspects of your divinity and integrate them in all seasons of your life.