Learn to Work With Sacred Feminine Archetypes in This Self-Guided Journey

Ready to build a grounded, trusting, and knowing relationship with your feminine magic?

Something deep in your bones...
remembers a time when women were powerful

Where womb wisdom pulsed to ancient drum beats around communal fires and connection vibrated through everyone and everything.


When we lived in harmony with the land and with each other. Creating an unbreakable bond with Earth’s natural rhythms and our magical lineage.

But, when we look back in [his]tory we know what happened

Women were slaughtered and enslaved.


So today we live as small versions of ourselves. 

Cut off from our power and clinging to the small bits and pieces of

wisdom we have managed to preserve.

And after generations of this conditioning, it’s no wonder you’re left doubting the woman you are today.

How many times have you felt untethered?

Like you’re at the whim of the world and the beck and call of others

Like if even the gentlest breeze blew, you’d be knocked off track

Meant to gather the scattered pieces of you back together and start over again and again, never moving forward to a place of soul alignment.

How many times have you kept yourself small?

Like you’re following along on some predetermined path that isn’t even meant for you.

Questioning all of your decisions and placing your trust in others instead of yourself.

Your Spirituality is your sacred space


Where you can sense the presence of the ancient power that thrums inside you, move beyond all of the expectations and pressures, and be your full self.

You turn to your altar daily to offer up your worries, your questions, and your wishes.

Lighting your candles, charging your crystals, and working your spells.


True spirituality can’t be all about chasing higher consciousness and even higher dimensions. 

Your soul knows it’s not supposed to find itself further and further out of your body.

You want true, bone-deep embodiment, not another version of escapism in disguise.

It’s time to reclaim your [her]story

When you learn to work with sacred feminine archetypes, you can stop looking for spiritual answers outside of yourself and recognize they live within you - they are you. 

Because, the feminine path is grounded in power. It does not force, it trusts. 

This is what it means to be rooted. 

To know without a doubt that your power is ancient. That it comes from a long lineage of wisdom and medicine and that you are here in this moment to bring it forth. 

Your Body Is Tingling…

With Your Soul Awakening…

You feel a deep inner remembrance of times past. When the feminine mysteries were revered, celebrated and valued.

You crave a life that is juicy and alive where you positively impact your world and the world of those around you.

You know that once you trust yourself implicitly, you’ll be free. True liberation comes when you can loosen your death grip & flow.

You’re ready to stand solid, knowing you can handle anything. Drawing what you need and what you want through your powerful roots.

Sister, Welcome to

A sacred and sovereign course that helps you develop a
relationship with the sacred feminine archetypes.


Remembering Your Soul’s Magic

Reconnecting With Natural Rhythms

Reclaiming Your Feminine Mysteries

You’ll explore 12 different facets of the divine feminine through all of her seasons.

Bringing you closer to both the natural rhythms of the world around you and the pulses of feminine power that cycle through the year.

Inside Rooted, you’ll journey toward feminine embodiment.

By embodying the sacred feminine archetypes, you will come to know her - and ultimately yourself since she is you -
on the most intimate level. 

You’ll learn her bright side and her shadow - and you’ll fall in love with both. 

Because both are valuable. 

And by knowing all sides of her you’ll know her full power. 

Allowing you to call forth the exact energy you need any time you need it.

Amanda says…

“I LOVE receiving messages from Marissa. They seem to arrive at exactly the right time. It helps me immensely to be reminded of the things she shares.”

Ready to cultivate an unshakeable sense of trust in yourself?

Explore the 12 Sacred Feminine Archetypes

— Private Podcast

— Journal Prompts

— Custom Playlists

— Guide Meditations

When you work with archetypes, you will cultivate:

  • An unshakeable sense of belonging to this world and to your community

  • A deep knowing that you can co-create anything you want into existence

  • A firm belief that you can handle absolutely any situation that comes your way

  • An unbridled freedom to move through the world how and whenever you want

Meet Your Sacred Feminine Archetypes

Fawn says…

“My soul needed to hear from Marissa. Women need to lift each other up, not beat each other down.”

Are you ready to embrace your entire self and work your feminine spirit guides?

I’m So Thrilled To Guide You.

Hi, I’m Marissa,

A wisdom keeper of ancient feminine mysteries - and there’s something I know deep in my bones: our roots are our truest source of power. 


you’re journeying with someone who has been as caught up in toxic masculine, hustle culture as a person can get and who gracefully and gratefully found her way to a more wise and rooted path.

Today, I’m a conduit for ancient women’s wisdom and guide feminine seekers to reclaim their divine power.

As a former licensed psychotherapist, I’ve had a behind the scenes look into how patriarchal systems and structures continue to diminish women’s ability to rise up. And my Work in the world is to change that.

I know what it’s like to live a surface-level existence

Where everything looks and feels great on the outside, but lacks any kind of depth or magic on the inside.

It wasn’t until I found the courage to radically step into my full self that I noticed the chains around my heart and soul and found a way to cut myself free.

Embracing and awakening our Divine Feminine energy is like giving a big middle finger to the people and systems that want to keep us small and quiet *ahem patriarchy* *cough misogyny*.

What I’ve come to trust is that our work is to take up space. To stand in the face of the society that has denied feminine magic for so long. And to demand to be recognized for all we contribute and cultivate in this world. 

Think of it like this…


1 - Weather any storm
2 - Take up space

And this is the downright bravest thing you can do.

See, the powers that be (patriarchy, capitalism, colonialism…) don’t want you to remember how powerful you are.

They don’t want you to remember your magic.

Because when you send energy to and source power from your roots, their fragile paradigm crumbles.


Who Is Ready?

  • Seekers who are looking to deepen their spiritual practice by embodying their power

  • Feminine beings who want to rewild from oppressive systems like patriarchy, capitalism, and colonialism

  • Spiritualists who honor the ancient ways and are excited to blend them into modern life

  • Womxn who are ready to take up space and build an unshakable sense of self-trust

Who Is Not Quite Ready?

  • Those who are focused on ascending the 3D or evolving past the earthly plane

  • Those who are seeking feminine power only to attract a “masculine man”

  • Those who believe the past is the past and we should move on

  • Those who believe the Divine Feminine is gendered and only for female identifying persons

Ready to take up space in your world?

Ready to cultivate an unshakeable sense of trust in yourself?

Explore the 12 Sacred Feminine Archetypes

— Private Podcast

— Journal Prompts

— Custom Playlists

— Guide Meditations

Jade says…

“Marissa’s message came to me right when I needed it. I have been searching for ways to reclaim my feminine energy and to reconnect with natural rhythms and she has helped!”

Jenae says…

“Marissa’s messages are absolutely inspirational and beautiful! She shares so many things I desperately need to hear during these times.”

Common Questions

  • When you enroll in Rooted you get access to a private course room that houses the entire program. This is where you will log in to find your solo tools like the private podcast, playlists, guided meditations, journal prompts .

  • It’s totally ok to be a beginner. All of us are in different parts of our lives. Each archetype starts with some mind food and gives you an educational basis to work from. That way you can take the knowledge you are gaining and work it into your spiritual practice?

  • What’s unique about Rooted is the structure (yes a tad bit of masculine to hold our feminine). We’ll be linking the archetypes to the seasons which will provide a new way to think about and feel into each energy. I’d love for this to be an additive experience and help you deepen your relationship with your feminine.

  • As a former licensed therapist, I have held space for all kinds of people from all colors, creeds, and walks of life. There is an anti-racist and anti-discrimination policy that all enrolees of Rooted must agree to, and if they violate these policies, they are removed from the program without recourse or a refund. I must say, I am still doing my own work and making an effort daily to understand how I might be impacting others through my own privilege and conditioning. I am committed to doing this work. Rooted is especially designed for womxn and talks about the femxle experience as a marginalized one. The content will cover topics like menstruation/menstrual cycles, breasts and breastfeeding, wombs and uteruses. If these aren’t comfortable for you, then Rooted might not be your space.

  • No. And Yes at the same time. We won’t be practicing any particular craft like Wicca, high magic, or folk magic. But we will be tapping into the parts of our bodies that house our feminine energy. These power centers are certainly magical and we will use tools like visualization to channel this magic.

Now is the time to get rooted, sister


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